
Multi-Stream Recycling Program

Recycle Bins

  • Office employees will take their trash and recycling to the 5 bin systems throughout the building.
  • Custodial Staff will remove all trash from conference rooms, labs, classes, lunchrooms, restrooms.
  • Trash from the 5 bin systems will be picked up daily.
  • Everyday there will be a specific stream of recycling removed from the bins and picked up at the building.

Monday - Plastic | Tuesday - Glass | Wednesday - Cans | Thursday - Paper | Friday - Cardboard

No bags can be recycled, remove bags before recycling, place in trash or take plastic bags to retail locations that accept bags, e.g., Walmart, Kohl’s, or supermarket.

  • During office cleaning custodians will place extra bags in the bottoms of office cans for trash. Please reuse these as much as possible when disposing of your trash.
  • The 5-bin systems will contain bags, custodians will monitor and replace, as necessary

Large Blue Totes will be used by Facilities Operations only, DO NOT add trash or recycling to these totes. Totes will hold specific recycling for the day and be transported to the recycling center behind the Wooster Campus Feed Mill.Cardboard holders

Cardboard must be flattened and will have a designated cart or wall sling for EMPLOYEES to drop off at building dock or designated area. Custodians DO NOT pick up or flatten cardboard.

REMINDER – Too much contamination can send the whole dumpster to the landfill. When in doubt, throw it out (trash). 
QUESTIONS – Sarah Everhart, Custodial Supervisor, Wooster Campus Facilities Operations