Wooster Staff Council: February Update

The CFAES Wooster Campus Staff Council looks forward to facilitating more gatherings for our campus community in 2024, including an updated version of the traditional Chili Cook-Off, not seen since 2019

Wooster Staff Council (WSC) has a new slate of officers for 2024. We invite you to contact us and want to ensure you receive the information and resources you need as an Ohio State employee. 

Get to know us with the Spotlight on Staff features: 

WSC Officers 

Erin Parker – Chair 

Kelly Kyser – Vice Chair 

William Koshar – Treasurer 

Heather Bauder – Secretary 

Thank you to Paul Snyder and Jordan Welsh for their WSC service, as they ended their 3yr term on Dec 31, 2023. WSC is seeking staff volunteers for 4 open council positions. Please contact Erin Parker.1390@osu.edu if you are interested in participating in our campus staff council. Information about our council and purpose is here: https://u.osu.edu/woosterstaffcouncil/home/

Membership Vacancies 

District 2: Library, Wooster Conference Center, Facilities Planning, Research Ops 
District 4: FABE, Public Safety, OCAMM, OSUExtension, STAR 
CFAES At Large Member (ANY staff member affiliated with ATI or CFAES) 
CFAES At Large Member (ANY staff member affiliated with ATI or CFAES)