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Animal Welfare and Behavior Club
The Animal Welfare and Behavior Club is committed to expanding the knowledge of the science of animal welfare to the students at Ohio State University and the public through use of guest speakers, media items and industry tours. The next meeting will be h ...
Communiqué March 19, 2014 My current research projects involve working with coalitions to foster community-level changes ...
CD Weekly Wire- October 8, 2012
results. For more information, including event location, visit: For ...
Two Ohio 4-H'ers Receive National Recognition
a million dollars in events across Ohio for arthritis research. Although the organization was doing a lot of ...
Communiqué March 28, 2012
the 18th annual National Conference on Diversity, Race and Learning set for May 1. This event will be ...
How do I recognize a healthy stream?
changing landscape or weather conditions (e.g., the building of a new subdivision or a large storm event ...
Animal Science Academic Quadrathlon
Test your knowledge in Animal Science by competing against your peers for a chance to represent Ohio State at the Midwestern Section American Society of Animal Science Meetings! The competition will be held between the PH and AS buildings January 26 and ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-33
conditions. Since late season flooding is an uncommon event, little information is available on its effects on ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-16
you know when the crop emerged, but if not you can estimate that event also. Corn emergence typically ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-24
here to Wooster. Manure Science Review- August 16th August 16, 2011, De Graff, OH. Join us at the ...