
Search results

  1. Fraud Training Required by Oct. 29

    and student employees — must complete a fraud training by Oct. 29, 2024. New employees must complete ...

  2. Nancy Bowen-Ellzey

    economics, University of New Orleans; Master of Urban and Regional Planning (MURP), University of New ...

  3. New agriculture solutions from CFAES on display at Farm Science Review

    and Environmental Sciences (CFAES). Five innovative research projects that were funded through the  ... initial research projects sponsored through the Hub were recently completed. Two of the completed Hub ... LONDON, Ohio  – New drainage water management technology and the use of artificial intelligence in ...

  4. Celebrate National Nematode Day and Collect a Soil Sample for SCN Testing Introducing the SCN Profit Checker Additionally, The SCN Coalition has launched a powerful new ...

  5. Carol Smathers

    program coordinator, Children, Youth, and Families at Risk (CYFAR) project based in Ohio 4-H; high school ...

  6. Carol Smathers

    program coordinator, Children, Youth, and Families at Risk (CYFAR) project based in Ohio 4-H; high school ...

  7. 4-H Cloverbud Advisor Annual Training

    you are interested in becoming a new advisor, please contact our office at 740-335-1150 or go to  New ...

  8. 4-H Annual Advisor Training

    a separate meeting for Cloverbud Advisors. If you are interested in becoming a new advisor, please contact ... our office at 740-335-1150 or go to  New 4-H Volunteer Requirements  on this website under the 4-H ...

  9. NEW: Farm To Fork Beef Carcass 4-H Project

    Miami County 4-H is piloting a brand-new pilot program for 2024-2025! 4- H members will have the ... opportunity to learn about raising a market beef project, from hoof to slaughter. Members will enroll in ... a market beef 4-H project, purchase a market beef animal, and raise the calf to a finished product to be ...

  10. 4-H Annual Advisor Meeting

    a separate meeting for Cloverbud Advisors. If you are interested in becoming a new advisor, please contact ... our office at 740-335-1150 or go to  New 4-H Volunteer Requirements  on this website under the 4-H ...
