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note 3590

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  1. Time to Assess Rapidly Developing Wheat

    stripping off the lower leaves and looking for the first node. The wheat is at growth stage six. Growers ... general, herbicide applications should be made before the first node develops. Remember, short-looking ...

  2. Ohio Farmers Making the Switch to Transgenic Corn

    feeding. You lose one root node and there's an immediate yield loss. More than one node lost and it ...

  3. Dry Weather May Lead to Stalk Lodging in Corn

    deterioration of the inner stalk tissues so that one or more of the inner nodes can be easily compressed when ... lowest node, stalk rot is usually present," said Thomison. "To minimize stalk rot damage, ...

  4. Ohio Corn Growers Facing Stalk Quality Issues

    growers scout their fields for stalk rot by pinching the lower nodes of the stalks and evaluating how soft ...

  5. Some Ohio Corn Ready for Harvest

    moisture to fill the beans on the upper nodes. We've got good pod set, but the pods aren't ...

  6. Green-up marks the time to apply nitrogen in winter wheat

    application occurred at Feekes 6, which is the first node visible of early stem elongation, compared to ...

  7. Ohio's Wheat May Have Escaped Frost Damage

    examine the growing point, which is located above the uppermost node. A healthy growing point will be ...

  8. Rains May Hold Up Corn Crop

    grow from the growing point below-ground nodes. This results in an unproductive plant that usually does ...

  9. Corn Rootworm Populations Spreading

    ratings well over 1, at least one node missing, in many fields," said Hammond. Larvae hatching in ...

  10. Thumbs-Up for Crops Despite Performance Challenges

    the rains we had during the growing season. If you pinch the lower nodes some stalks will collapse ...
