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note 7557

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  1. Wheat Growers Need to Prepare For Foliar Fungicide Application As Wheat Growth in Ohio Is Ahead Two Weeks

    multiple places, remove the lower leaves, and examine these tillers for the presence of nodes and the ... emergence of the flag leaf, Paul said. “At Feekes 6, the first node is visible at the base of the stem, ... about an inch or so above the soil line; at Feekes 7, two nodes are visible, one about 2 inches above ...

  2. Building a Better Smoothie

    also try using tofu, as in this CYP recipe: Note: The above ...

  3. Ohio Wheat Greening Up and It Looks Promising

    Feekes Growth Stage 6 is when the first node appears above the soil line. This shows up as a slightly ... same growth stage at the same time, pull tillers from multiple areas of the field and look for the node ... a slight lump or swelling." Feekes Growth Stage 7 is when the second node is visible above the soil ...

  4. Assess Corn for Rootworm Injury

    "1" indicates one node of roots destroyed, "2" indicates two nodes of roots destroyed, and ... "3" indicates three nodes of roots destroyed. The higher the number, the greater the potential for ...

  5. Some Ohio Corn Experiencing Stalk Lodging

    deterioration of the inner stalk tissues so that one or more of the inner nodes can easily be compressed when ... vertical. If the stalk breaks between the ear and the lowest node, stalk rot is usually present," said ...

  6. Time to Assess Rapidly Developing Wheat

    stripping off the lower leaves and looking for the first node. The wheat is at growth stage six. Growers ... general, herbicide applications should be made before the first node develops. Remember, short-looking ...

  7. Ohio Farmers Making the Switch to Transgenic Corn

    feeding. You lose one root node and there's an immediate yield loss. More than one node lost and it ...

  8. Dry Weather May Lead to Stalk Lodging in Corn

    deterioration of the inner stalk tissues so that one or more of the inner nodes can be easily compressed when ... lowest node, stalk rot is usually present," said Thomison. "To minimize stalk rot damage, ...

  9. Ohio Corn Growers Facing Stalk Quality Issues

    growers scout their fields for stalk rot by pinching the lower nodes of the stalks and evaluating how soft ...

  10. Some Ohio Corn Ready for Harvest

    moisture to fill the beans on the upper nodes. We've got good pod set, but the pods aren't ...
