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note 45439

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  1. Winter Wheat Concerns

    is a critical stage.  It is defined as: first node visible. On reproductive tillers a visible knot, ... bump, or swollen tissue called the node is noticeable above the soil surface. The growing point, which ... includes the developing head or spike on reproductive tillers is above this node.  Once the growing point ...

  2. Recommendations for Late-Planted Soybeans

    This is to allow the plants to grow vegetatively as long as possible to produce nodes where pods can ...

  3. Corn Harvest Considerations: Stalk Quality and Combine Adjustments

    affect stalk integrity, one or more of the inner nodes can easily be compressed when the stalk is ... and the lowest node, stalk rot is usually present. To minimize stalk rot damage, harvest promptly ...

  4. Towers Agricultural Honorary Once completed email it to Recruitment Chair, Mikaela Disbennett at Contact ...

  5. Winter Wheat Stand Assessment and Fertilization

    equipment. Nitrogen can be applied up until growth stage Feekes 7, which is two visible nodes on the wheat ...

  6. Use of Hessian Fly-Free Date for Winter Wheat Planting

    sheath near plant nodes.  As they feed they cause the stem to weaken which results in stalks breaking ...

  7. Canada Thistle

    node) and are generally oblong with edges that are irregularly lobed and spiny. Leaves are dark green ...

  8. Field Bindweed

    objects. Leaves Leaves follow an alternate pattern (1 leaf per node), 1 to 2 inches long, 1-inch-wide, ...

  9. Wheat Nitrogen Fertilization

    before Feekes growth stage 7 which is two visible nodes.   This week Ed Lentz, Extension Educator in ...

  10. Cover Crop Termination Before Planting

    less than 8 inches tall and before the first node develops.  The issue is that the primary herbicides ...
