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note 45439

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  1. Nitrogen Rate Recommendations for Wheat 2020

    fit. Keep in mind that research has shown N can be applied up to Feekes GS 6 (one visible node) without ...

  2. Unusual Ears Appearing in Corn Fields

    ear node followed by development of a secondary malformed ear. For more on ear development problems ...

  3. Late-Season Waterhemp- The Goal is Stopping Seed

    field can reroot at multiple nodes and regrow.  Another option to at least reduce seed production – use ...

  4. 2015 Ohio Soybean Performance Trials: Sortable Tables Available Online Soybean ...

  5. 2015 Ohio Soybean Performance Trials Available Online The sortable version of the 2015 Ohio Soybean Performance Trials will be uploaded to the OARDC ...

  6. Late Season Foliar Diseases Have Started in Soybeans

    the plants will die early in patches.  For Northern, there is a canker at the third node which girdles ...

  7. Does Tillering Impact Corn Yield?

    lateral branches that form at below ground nodes. Although tiller buds form at each below ground node, the ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-20

    scars present. 3. One root chewed to within 1-1/2 inch of the plant. 4. One node of the roots destroyed. ... 5. Two nodes of the roots destroyed. 6. Three nodes of the roots destroyed. Modified Node ... stalk 1 = one node of roots destroyed 2 = two nodes of roots destroyed 3 = three nodes of roots ...

  9. Winter Wheat Progress and Management

    exposing the base of the stem; 4- Now look for the first node generally between 1 and 2 inches above the base ... of the stem. This node is usually seen as a slightly swollen area of a slightly different (darker) ...

  10. Stalk Rots Showing Up in Some Corn Fields

    nodes can easily be compressed when squeezing the stalk between thumb and finger. It is possible by ... vertical. If the stalk breaks between the ear and the lowest node, stalk rot is usually present. To minimize ...
