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note 5522

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  1. Boxwood Concerns – Additional Information ...

  2. Regional Updates: September 5 – 11, 2023

    first crop beans are between R6 (full-sized seed in top four nodes) and R8 (full maturity) are on ... nodes) and R6 (full-size seed in top four nodes) with both Sclerotinia white mold (Figure 2) and Sudden ...

  3. Pharaoh Ant

    There is no stinger. The petiole (narrow waist between the thorax and abdomen) has two nodes and the ...

  4. Phytophthora Damping-off and Root Rot of Soybean

    susceptible varieties is a lower stem discoloration that may extend several nodes up the stem. Figure 3. ...

  5. Pruning Erect Blackberries in the Home Garden

    tipped. Node: The thickened portion of a shoot (cane) where the leaf petiole is attached and a bud is ...

  6. Growing Giant Pumpkins in the Home Garden

    node with soil will help anchor vines down and promote secondary root development. Insects and Diseases ...

  7. Sclerotinia Stem Rot (White Mold) of Soybean

    a node where the fungus has colonized dead flowers. Later, contact between healthy and diseased adjacent ...

  8. Hail Damage to Soybean and Corn

    include defoliation, node loss, stand loss, and/or bruising. At the vegetative growth stages, yield loss ... due to defoliation is minimal; however, stem damage and node loss can reduce soybean yield. Soybean ... reduction, defoliation percentage, and nodes cut off/broken over percentage needs to be estimated from the ...

  9. 2023 Alumni Awards winners announced

    the CFAES Alumni Awards Dinner on Friday, Oct. 6. ...

  10. Battle for the Belt: Episode 25

    begins when one pod on one of the four uppermost nodes has seeds that are 1/8 inch long and ends when one ... pod on one of the uppermost four nodes has a seed that is fully developed. The soybeans at this ...
